I'm a grateful recovering addict. When some people hear that, they assume that I struggle with alcohol or drugs. But my issues are a little different. I'm in recovery from inappropriate attitudes and behavior - about sex.
For decades, I numbed my emotional pain with porn and people - longing to be well - to be 'fixed.' There was a deep spiritual misconnection and void in my life. I tried to fill it by drinking in images, videos and improper relationships.
After a rock-bottom time nearly cost me everything I held dear, I knew something had to change. I had to change, but I didn't know how. I let go and let God. I found friendships and healthier relationships - people who accepted me and didn't judge, but who also wouldn't enable me to maintain my sick status quo.
Now, with years of positive sobriety, I want to keep what I have by giving it away. I want to share my experience, God's strength, and the hope I have found with others who struggle in the area of sexual integrity. That's why Principle 8 Ministries exists.